Alright ladies, who is going to get serious about Springers this year? I have a new fishing partner (a grouchy old phart like myself) and we have concocted a Spring scheme to hunt down the most prized Salmon in the PNW in a number of places. The Big C is the first place that they show up so I'd better get proficient at anchoring. The Willamette river (Multnomah channel), which my partner wants to try, will be a trial and error fishery for us since neither have fished there B-4.... But if they are there we will find em, they can't hide!!!!! Then in late April and 1st 2 weeks of May, the battlefield will be Drano Lake and Wind!!!! My favorite combat trolling fishery... I have been known to burn the retina's out of guides who venture too close to the Cavemans craft with my thousand yard stare!!!
I can't wait! Me and the wife had or best year ever fishing just east of the Lewis river but I go where ever the fish are. Love to out fishing the guides in my beat up 15' Smokerceaft.
Fishing on a big River is challenging, heck most any river is but I've learned that one needs to be watching the ones who are catching....... then mimic them....
I like to follow the guides. They have better electronics (fish finders) then I do but I don't always fish my bait or spinners like them. I usually fish two rods different till I see what's going on. Like how clear the water is and what's the tide is doing. As soon as I think I get them figured out and my head gets big I get knock off my high horse and get skunked but sure beats sitting at home.
You got that right, the old saying "I'd rather be lucky than good" is my motto. First thing in the morning I too troll different baits, say one herring naked, one herring with a flasher & the same with a prawn spinner. If I'm out in the lake then I longline M2 flatfish wrapped w/sardine.
Yep, I heard that some have been caught in the Cowlitz already!!!!! Going next week but will target steelhead though.... I can't wait till early May to head to Drano!!!! Then I'm hoping to try my hand at making some extra dough with the Pikeminnow fishing!!!
First trip out......two takedowns and 1 converted into some fine dining. My youngest kid was the lucky recipient. Decent fish.....looks small next to his 6'7 frame.
We fished from about 7am till 2pm and it was slow. Few sealions working the area.....trollers weren't doing much and the plunkers next to us managed a native steelhead. Couple more weeks and it will be lighting up.
Fished from 7 till 3 with two takedowns and nothing to show for our efforts. Still very it a few hours in the morning.
Well at least someone is out there fishing for them, I have not started to go after them yet until late there are at least 2-5k over Bonneville..... then it's time to head to Wind & Drano. I may do a few trips down to the Big C & try and enhance my anchoring abilities.... Good luck!!!! is another good report. Me and my son this morning 7-12 plunking . 2 hookups, one lost, one clubbed.